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ILRI@40 Hard talk: Livestock research general directions
ILRI@40 Hard talk: Connecting agricultural science to sustainable development
Livestock and human health: Directions for ILRI
ILRI@40 panel discussion on livestock and healthy lives
Hard talk with Brian Perry: Robin Reid on livestock's long shadow
ILRI@40: Reflections on day 1 by Jimmy Smith, Director General, ILRI
Livestock and livelihoods webinar series: Crossroads of animal, human and environment health
ILRI@40 scene-setting address by H.E. Teferra Derebew, Minister of Agriculture, Ethiopia
ILRI@40: Livestock and the environment (Henning Steinfeld)
Livestock research for food security and poverty reduction
Livestock Exchange hard seat 2011: Jimmy Smith on his new role at ILRI
ILRI@40 Keynote address: Livestock and economic well-being (Kanayo Nwanze)